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Thread: Help with Realistic NVG Mod

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  1. #11
    Founder Gopher's Avatar
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    I am running a triple 24" monitor setup (5760 x 1080 resolution), so 3 times 1920 pixels horizontally, without any other displays (ie MFCD external screens and such). I assume you're running the same (if you're running a triple 27" monitor setup as 5760 x 1080 resolution, then the below will work).

    If so, you need to change nvg_mod.hlsl (included in the NVG mod), as follows.

    Please let me know if this works out for you. Most of the file is the same, take care to read each line between my version and the original one, to see what I have changed. Good luck.

    #ifndef NVG_MOD_H
    #define NVG_MOD_H
    // Center of the circle used to represent the NVGs.
    // Now let's imagine we use 1000x1000 Pixels as In-game Resolution:
    // And lets say we want the center at 300px from the left and 650px from the bottom.
    // 1000px=1 so 300px = 0.3
    // The Values are starting to count from the Bottom-Left corner of your Res, first is for for
    // Horizontal position and the second for Vertical:
    const float2 EYE_CENTER = float2(0.50000f,0.55000f);
    const float2 MASK_CENTER = float2(0.50000f,0.55000f);
    // In precent of screen size.  Since most monitors are not 1:1 aspect ratio most often you will
    // choose your height was the percent value then you take the pixel value of that percentage and
    // divide that by your screen width.
    // Example: Resolution = 1920x1080
    // You want the eye to be 85% the size of 1080.  You take 1080*.85=918, now to figure out same
    // size width take 918/1920=0.4781. Now your circle will be the same width and height.
    // Here are the some numbers for different common aspect-ratios:
    // 4:3 = 1.333 -> Triplehead 4:3 = 4
    // 5:4 = 1.25 -> Triplehead 5:4 = 3.75
    // 16:10 = 1.6 -> Triplehead 16:10 = 4.8
    // 16:9 = 1.78 -> riplehead 16:9 = 5.333
    // First value is for width second for height:
    //const float2 EYE_SIZE = float2(0.5344f, 0.95f);
    const float2 EYE_SIZE = float2(0.17763f,0.94737f);
    const float2 MASK_SIZE = float2(0.53289f,0.94737f);
    // How much to scale the image in RENDER_MODE=1. Anything greater then 20% is a bit crazy!
    const float EYE_SCALE = 0.19f;
    // Min value to multiply noise.
    const float NOISE_MIN[2] =
      0.5f, // A-10C
      0.75f // KA-50
    // Max value to multiply noise.
    const float NOISE_MAX[2] =
      0.5f, // A-10C
      0.75f // KA-50
    // Color to use for NVGs.
    const float2x3 COLORIZE_COLOR =
      {0.65f, 1.00f, 0.35f}, // A-10C
      {0.2f, 0.46f, 0.22f}   // KA-50
    // Based on the NVG magnification the image is lifted by this.
    // (COLORIZE_COLOR  * nvgmag) * this
    const float NVG_COLOR_LIFT[2] =
      0.175f, // A-10C
      0.175f  // KA-50
    // Changes the Circle rendering mode.
    // 0 = Circle without zoom
    // 1 = Circle with zoom
    // 2 = Fullscreen without zoom.
    const int RENDER_MODE = 0;
    // Enables a slight distortion along the edges of the NVG glass.
    const bool ENABLE_RIM_DISTORT = false;
    // Changes the blur rendering mode.
    // 0 = Use default game blur
    // Not yet implemented
    const int NVG_INNER_BLUR_MODE = 0;
    // NVG Type
    // 0 = A-10C.
    // 1 = KA-50.
    static const int NVG_A10 = 0;
    static const int NVG_KA50 = 1;
    const float INNER_RANGE_MIN = 0.950f;
    const float INNER_RANGE_MAX = 0.967f;
    const float OUTTER_RANGE_MIN = 0.979f;
    const float OUTTER_RANGE_MAX = 1.000f;
    const float INNER_RANGE_DIST_MIN = 0.963f;
    const float INNER_RANGE_DIST_MAX = 0.979f;
    float pertween(const float start, const float end, const float value)
      const float range = max(start, end) - min(start, end);
      const float a = range - (end - value);
      return a / range;
    float3 RGBtoHSL(const float3 rgb): COLOR0
      float r = clamp(rgb.r, 0.0f, 1.0f);
      float g = clamp(rgb.g, 0.0f, 1.0f);
      float b = clamp(rgb.b, 0.0f, 1.0f);
      float maxV = max(max(r, g), b);
      float minV = min(min(r, g), b);
      float h = (maxV + minV) / 2.0f;
      float s = h;
      float l = h;
      if (maxV == minV)
        h = 0.0f;
        s = 0.0f;
        float d = maxV - minV;
        if (l > 0.5f)
          s = d / (2.0f - maxV - minV);
          s = d / (maxV + minV);
        if (maxV == r)
          h = (g - b) / d;
          if (maxV = g)
            h = ((b - r) / d) + 2.0f;
            h = ((r - g) / d) + 4.0f;
        h /= 6.0f;
      return float3(h, s, l);
    float hue2rgb(const float p, const float q, const float t)
      float T = t;
      if (t < 0.0f)
        T += 1.0f;
      if (t > 1.0f)
        T -= 1.0f;
      if (T < 1.0f / 6.0f)
        return p + (q - p) * 6.0f * T;
      if (T < 1.0f / 2.0f)
        return q;
      if (T < 2.0f / 3.0f)
        return p + (q - p) * (2.0 / 3.0f - T) * 6.0f;
      return p;
    float3 HSLtoRGB(const float3 hsl): COLOR0
      const float h = hsl.r;
      const float s = hsl.g;
      const float l = hsl.b;
      float r = 0.0f;
      float g = 0.0f;
      float b = 0.0f;
      if (s == 0.0f)
        r = 1.0f;
        g = 1.0f;
        b = 1.0f;
        float q = l < 0.5f ? l * (1 + s) : l + s - l * s;
        float p = 2 * l - q;
        r = hue2rgb(p, q, h + (1.0f / 3.0f));
        g = hue2rgb(p, q, h);
        b = hue2rgb(p, q, h - (1.0f / 3.0f));
      return float3(r, g, b);
    float3 colorize(const float3 rgb, const float3 to_color): COLOR0
      const float3 hsl = RGBtoHSL(to_color);
      const float maxV = max(max(rgb.r, rgb.g), rgb.b);
      const float minV = min(min(rgb.r, rgb.g), rgb.b);
      const float lum = (maxV + minV) / 2.0f;
      if (lum > 1.0f)
        return float3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
      return HSLtoRGB(float3(hsl.r, hsl.g, lum));
    float keyHudNVG(const float3 rgb, const float3 krgb)
      const float3 hsl = RGBtoHSL(rgb);
      const float3 khsl = RGBtoHSL(krgb);
      const float satscale = 0.41f;
      const float maxk = 0.0f;
      const float mink = 0.05f;
      float2 delta = hsl.xy - khsl.xy;
      delta.y *= satscale;
      float d2 = dot(delta, delta);
      d2 = smoothstep(maxk,  mink, d2);
      return d2.x;
    float3 maskNVGEye(const float2 uv, const float2 center, const float2 size, const float2 res): COLOR0
      float2 pos = float2(res.x * uv.x, res.y * (1.0f - uv.y));
      float2 eye_center = float2(res.x * center.x, res.y * center.y);
      float2 eye_size = float2(res.x, res.y) * size;
      float2 tmp = eye_size * 0.5f;
      float4x2 eye_bbox = {
        eye_center.x - tmp.x, eye_center.y - tmp.y,
        eye_center.x + tmp.x, eye_center.y - tmp.y,
        eye_center.x + tmp.x, eye_center.y + tmp.y,
        eye_center.x - tmp.x, eye_center.y + tmp.y
      if (pos.x < eye_bbox[0][0] || pos.x > eye_bbox[1][0] || pos.y < eye_bbox[0][1] || pos.y > eye_bbox[2][1])
        return float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
      const float radius = eye_size.x > eye_size.y ? max(eye_size.x, eye_size.y) * 0.5f : min(eye_size.x, eye_size.y) * 0.5f;
      const float aspect = eye_size.x / eye_size.y;
      const float dx = pos.x - eye_center.x;
      const float dy = pos.y * aspect - eye_center.y * aspect;
      const float distance = sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)) / radius;
      float3 mask = float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
      if (distance <= INNER_RANGE_MAX)
        if (distance >= INNER_RANGE_MIN)
          float v = 1.0f - pertween(INNER_RANGE_MIN, INNER_RANGE_MAX, distance);
          v = smoothstep(1.0f, 0.0f, v);
          mask = float3(v, 1.0f, distance);
          mask = float3(0.0f, 1.0f, distance);
        if (distance <= OUTTER_RANGE_MAX)
          float v = 1.0f - pertween(OUTTER_RANGE_MIN, OUTTER_RANGE_MAX, distance);
          v = smoothstep(0.0f, 1.0f, v);
          mask = float3(v, 0.0f, distance);
      return mask;

  2. The Following User Says Thank You to Gopher For This Useful Post:

    Snoopy (01Feb15)

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