Hello All,

I am Pete live in Anchorage and have been playing A-10C on and off from its release in 2011, I have just recently started playing more and more when I found the Maple Flag Mission Packs. I Have not played any multiplayer but am enjoying working through the Mission Packs seeing I am a very lock and step learner they make me want to learn and improve, I am hoping that when recruitment opens up I may have a shot.

I am 30 yrs old serve in the Army and have been for the last 12 years, I really enjoy flight sims and the learning processes that come with them and am looking to step my my involvement with the game.

I am also looking to start branching out into multiplayer as the campaigns feel to scripted for me to enjoy the "Story" as of now I just work on new skills and improving my abilities with single player if anyone has recommendations on where and how to begin multiplayer missions I am all ears.

I look forward to hopefully flying with some of you one day.
